Chapter 8. Hadees e Kisa
Hadees e Kisa is well known throughout the world. It is re-
cited on every Thursday night. It is reported from Bibi Fatima
AS herself. She said that one day the holy Prophet Muhammad
SAW came to her house, said salaams to her then told her to
cover him with the Yemeni blanket as he was feeling weak. She
returned his greeting and covered him with the blanket. His
face shone like the full moon.
After a while her son Hasan AScame and said salaams and
then said he could smell the fragrance of his grandfather. She
returned his salaam then he went to his grandfather, asked his
permission and entered the blanket.
A little later, her son Hussain AS came in, greeted her (sa-
laam) and said he could smell the fragrance of his grandfather.
She returned his salaam, and then told him that the Holy
Prophet SAW was under the blanket with Hasan AS. Then Hus-
sain AS went near, asked if he could come under the blanket
and joined them.
Then Imam Ali arrived, said salaams to Bibi Fatima AS and
noted he could smell the fragrance of his brother, the Holy
Prophet SAW.She returned his greeting and told him that her
father was under the blanket with their sons.
Imam Ali AS went to the Prophet, greeted him,asked if he
could join, then entered the blanket.Now Bibi Fatima AS her-
self asked permission of her father and entered the blanket.
When they were all together under the blanket,the Holy Proph-et SAW raised his hands and prayed: “O Allah, these are the
people of my household, the Ahl-ul Bayt. They are of my fle-
shand blood. Whoever makes the mun happy, makes me un-
happy. They are from me and I am from them.Send your